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Search query Syntax and Operators

By understanding the search syntax and search operators of the DataFragment search engine, you will be able to conduct more precise and advanced searches.

Search syntax rules

Rule 1Sentence

In order to search an exact sentence you can wrap your sentence with the double quotes "

Search query example
"sentence 1"
Rule 2Special characters

All the following characters
+ - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ / are considered as special and are begin replace by a space during the search.


When no operator is specified between words and sentences, the default that is being used is the operator AND.
Which means that the query operator + is being automatically inserted in the search query in the background.

Both of the following search queries are equivalent
word1 + word1
"sentence 1" + word1
Rule 4Case Sensitive

Search is not case sensitive, it means
Upperser character = lowecase character

Both of the following search queries are equivalent
"sentence 1"
"sEntEncE 1"


Operator 1AND

The character + or & can be used in the search query in order to cimbine words or sentences during search.

Search query example
word1 + “sentence 1”
word1 + “sentence 1”
Operator 2OR

The character | can be used in the search query in order to search one part of the query or the other one.

Search query example
word1 | “sentence 1”
word1 | “sentence 1” | “sentence 2”

The character - can be used in order exclude a word or a sentence from the search.

Search query example
word1 + -wordnotpresent
word1 + -wordnotpresent1 + -wordnotpresent2
Operator 4BEGIN WITH

The character * can be used after a word in order to search everything that begins with the word before the * operator.

Search query example
prefix* + “sentence 1”
word1* + -wordexcluded + -anotherwordexcluded

Search query expressions can be grouped like in maths expression with parenthesis ( ) and operators

Search query example
("sentence one" + "sentence two") | (word1 + "sentence three")
("sentence one" + "sentence two") | (word1 | word2)

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